The Expatriate Cat Moves On

by Anne Evans

Smudge August 15, 2007 to January 19, 2024

Our International Caribbean Kitty-Cat

Our Dear Sweet Smudge passed away peacefully in our arms today.  She was 16 years old.

Bless her heart, she kept her promise to me, just as I kept my promise to her.  When we embarked on our long journey from our prior home in St. George, Utah, my promise to her was that at the end would be feline Caribbean paradise. In return I asked her to promise me that (1) she would trust Rick and I throughout the journey and (2) when we arrived in paradise, she would enjoy her life here with us for at least a year. She did better than that. Smudge thrived and spent the last 20 months of her life blissfully in her Condo on Grand Cayman.

I’m not sure how Smudge would want to be remembered. So, I’ve decided that the best way for Rick and I to remember her is by listing her favorite things:

#1 Rick

#2 Tail Pulls

#3 1 & 2 concurrently

Smudge getitng her tail massaged in the Grand Cayman condo

#4 Sun spots

#5 Watching flitty little birds

#6 4 & 5 concurrently

Smudge the Expatriate Cat watching hummingbirds

#7 Fluffy Donut Beds

Smudge the cat in her fluffy bed on Grand Cayman Island

#8 Being combed

#9 1 & 8 concurrently

Grooming time on Grand Cayman Island for Smudge the cat

#10 Pate (pumpkin puree +Fancy Feast Savory Salmon Classic Pate)

In case you were wondering, this is how Smudge – like all kitties – got to heaven:

God Bless you, Smudge. We miss you terribly and will always smile remembering the adventures the 3 of us shared together .

Anne, Rick, and Smudge the Expatriate Cat on arrival to Grand Cayman Island

Love, Anne & Rick

If ai cannot solve a problem by baking a cookie, I cannot deal with it