From Heaven to Hell: A Sunday on Grand Cayman Island

by Anne Evans


This was a typical Sunday for us. We get up early to get some exercise and have breakfast. Afterwards we attend Church. We attend services at Christ the Redeemer which is located in the northern part of West Bay.

One needs to arrive at this lovely little Church on time/early given that as of November 1,  we are “In Season” on Grand Cayman” and this church will be packed. Those who do not risk the embarrassment of having to tag after an usher to be escorted to a hard-to-identify seat after the service has started.

What’s delightful about this church: It’s small, vibrant, and welcoming.

  • Small: It seats roughly 200 people – and it is not unusual for Rick and I to see parishioners that we also see frequently throughout the community mid-week (e.g., grocery shopping, neighbors).
  • Vibrant: the Church is blessed with a marvelous choir and musicians. Many of the prayers typically spoken at services elsewhere are sung accompanied by musical instruments with a vibrant tone and rhythm that is indeed uplifting.
  • Welcoming: At the conclusion of Mass, the parishioners are asked if anyone is attending for the first time, and if so, they are asked to stand. They then are treated to a welcoming song sung by all the parishioners to instrumental accompaniment and rhythmic clapping. Subsequently the parishioners are asked if anyone attending is having a birthday this day or any day this coming week, and if so, they are asked to stand. They are then treated to a chorus of “Happy Birthday” sung by all the parishioners to instrumental accompaniment followed by applause.

After this lovely experience, we return home, perhaps do some chores, have lunch, and then typically go off on some sort of local adventure.

This Sunday we chose to go to Hell.


Hell, Grand Cayman, is an area within the district of West Bay toward its north end. It is characterized by short, jagged pinnacles of black-covered limestone interspersed with small pools of stagnant, green water in an area that is roughly half the size of a soccer field. Its eerie and rather sinister look is one theory regarding what earned it its infamous name.

Rick developed his own theory during our visit to Hell today. This time of year, the high ambient temperature on this Island is roughly 83°. However next to these formations in Hell, the reflection of the heat from the sun’s super heating of the stones felt more like the upper 90s! 

One is not permitted to walk on the limestone formations – and one wouldn’t want to as the rocks are razor sharp. Platform paths are provided that allow you to walk safely into the depths of Hell.

What is most interesting is that as one stand’s in the midst of Hell, you realize that it is actually teaming with life!

Yes, of course, there are chickens and roosters everywhere just as they are throughout Grand Cayman – although they only reside on the periphery of Hell.

The limestone is surrounded by vibrant green, thriving foliage.

And, if you peer into the green pools of water you see teams of small fishes.

Most interestingly, to me, is the native water foul that have made this small parcel one of their homes: Green Herons, West Indian Whistling Ducks, Snowy Egrets, Common Gallinules. We were blessed to see a Snowy Egret join us for our first visit.

This Island adventure to Hell on Grand Cayman brought back memories of our former home in St. George Utah. Scattered among the noted Red Cliffs of St. George were the vast treacherous craggy and mystifying fields of black lava. Amazing how some places you choose to leave seem to still follow you on your journeys.

If ai cannot solve a problem by baking a cookie, I cannot deal with it

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